Small Course

This course is for anyone who wants to gain teaching experiences from teaching authentic lessons by using TAE methods system. From one experience, you can capture myriad scenes.

In Small Course, you will put together 4 or more scenes into 2 to 4 groups and start conducting all three parts of TAE.(⇒What is TAE?

Set the onset point

There are three ways to start in the Small Course. Although you will conduct all processes wherever you start, you need to set the onset point and start it.

●Start overall  Start from overall activities that your theme is targeted
Small Course Overall
●Start from the Scene Start from a specific scene of “one day” or “that time” in your theme
Small Scene
●Start from your sense Start from unshaped sense or feeling regarding your theme
Small Sense

Selection Menu

Read the description of how to use TAE

You can do this by your self, or with your partner as a group.

Set up your theme/goal

You can learn what you find valuable by reviewing your Japanese teaching experience.

Choose the course

15 courses you can start in only 15 minutes

Start reviewing and implement TAE

Fill out worksheets following the instruction.